Recipe developer:Pascale
Product provision:柴田徳商店
Matcha and Kinako cinnamon snowball cookies [Gluten free, Vegan]

- 米粉 ….. 50g
- きな粉 ….. 35g
- ココナッツシュガー ….. 30g
- ココナッツオイル ….. 55g
- アーモンドパウダー ….. 35g
- 塩 ….. ひとつまみ
■ 抹茶パウダー
- 粉砂糖(溶けにくいタイプ) ….. 10g
- 抹茶 ….. 1-2つまみ
■ きな粉パウダー
- ココナッツシュガー ….. 10g
- シナモンパウダー ….. ひとつまみ
- 片栗粉 ….. 3g
- Makes about 15-20 snowballs.
- Rice flour ….. 50g
- Kinako powder ….. 35g (roasted soybean flour)
- Coconut sugar ….. 30g
- Coconut oil ….. 55g
- Almond powder ….. 35g
- Salt ….. one pinch
■ Matcha mix
- Powder sugar ….. 10g
- Matcha ….. 1-2 pinches (see color and adjust)
■ Kinako mix
- Coconut sugar ….. 10g
- Cinnammon ….. one pinch
- Potato starch ….. 3g
【作り方/How to】
1、Pre-heat your oven to 180C and melt your coconut oil and place aside.

2、In a clean bowl, mix rice flour, kinako powder, coconut sugar, almond powder and salt thoroughly.

3、Add melted coconut oil and mix well with a spatula until the whole mixture is well mixed and moisturized with coconut oil.

4、Round the mixture on your palm into a ball of about 2cm and line them up on a tray lined with baking sheet and bake for 20 mins at 180 and you are one step closer to making your own snowballs.

5、Let them rest and cool off. Prepare 2 separate bowls and mix matcha and powder in one and kinako, cinnamon and coconut sugar in the other. Then carefully roll rice balls in these bowls one by one and coat them with the mixed powders and you’ve created snowballs!
Now it’s time to enjoy them with a cup of tea.

About the recipe and Magemono bento ware
サイズ:直径約13.5cm 高さ10cmの物です。
Once again we are collaborating with Hakata Magemono of Shibata Shouten.
A beautiful cedar wood magemono wares that has been made within the family for the last 300 years and over. I will be introducing a few more as this series continues so I hope you will look forward to them as much as I do.
Alright, back to business and the a little about the magemono I used this time. It’s a two tiered box that can be used as a bento box or even as everyday table top ware.
Size:13.5cm x 13.5cm x 10cm
By popular demand (and with gratitute), COLE has exclusively started to ship internationally.
So now, can also purchase them at the comfort of your home from here.
And now, a little about the recipe.
The recipe has been put together to get it as healthy as possible using coconut sugar and coconut oil. Though dusted with matcha sugar powder, it is considerably healthier than many tea snacks out there. I hope you will enjoy the two different types of flavors as they go excellently with green tea or any tea of your choice and of course even coffee.
So do enjoy and feel free to let me know how you liked them.
I can be contacted via instagram.
About Shibata Shouten Hakata Magemono

博多の筥崎八幡宮は、大分の宇佐八幡、京都の石清水八幡宮と並び日本三大八幡と呼ばれ、広く崇敬を集める大社です。 その西にある門前町のひとつ馬出で昔、応神天皇ご誕生の際、胞衣箱として奉納された故事から曲げ物作りが始まりました。やがて庶民にも親しまれ、江戸時代には貝原益軒の「筑前国続風土記」で紹介されるほどとなり、三百年の伝統を誇っています。 柴田徳五郎司は福岡市無形文化財の指定を受け、博多曲物の職人技として広く市民に親しまれ、愛され続けています。
Magemonos are traditional wooden containers that come in various sizes and shapes.
An impressive 18 generations have continued to make these since the Edo period for the past 300 years in Shibata family. The containers display beautiful vertical lines which are the growth rings of the cedar wood showing off their natural colors. Magemonos are smooth to touch and have pleasant but light cedar wood frangrance to them. They are delicately put together only using natural ways without any metal as they are only bound by cherry blossom tree strips to hold our sacred source of energy, our food. These magemonos were initially used in special ceremonies and on a special events but today we have the luxury to use them as bentos and containers to fulfill our delights.

〒812-0054 福岡市東区馬出2-22-22
Online Store:https://cole-selection.online
International shipping is available.