Recipe Developer:Pascale/Product Provisiona:柴田徳商店
Rainbow Veggie Bibim Chirashi [Gluten free]

赤パプリカ ….. ½個
オレンジパプリカ ….. ½個
黄パプリカ ….. ½個
卵 ….. 1個 (卵黄と卵白を分けておく)
ズッキーニ ….. ½個
ナス ….. ½個
もやし ….. ½パック
しそ ….. 5枚
きゅうり ….. ½個
椎茸 ….. 5枚
ブロッコリースプラウト….. ½パック
韓国のり(カット)….. 5枚
卵黄 ….. 1個分
塩 ….. それぞれの野菜を炒める時に少々
胡椒 ….. それぞれの野菜を炒める時に少々
米油 ….. それぞれの野菜を炒める時に½小匙
胡麻油 …..それぞれの野菜を炒める時に½小匙
塩 ….. (キュウリ用)½小匙
白ごま …..それぞれの野菜を炒める時に少々
松の実(好みで) ….. 3-5粒
ゴチュジャン(お砂糖が入ってない物) ….. 2小匙
胡麻油 ….. ½小匙 x2
白ごま ….. ½小匙 x2
お醤油 ………. 2小匙
米 ….. 2合
酢 ….. 30ml
塩 ….. ½小匙
砂糖 ….. ½小匙
しそ ….. 好みの量で
ししとう ….. 好みの量で
Red bell pepper ….. ½
Orange bell pepper ….. ½
Yellow bell pepper ….. ½
Egg ….. 1 (卵黄と卵白を分けておく)
Zucchini ….. ½
Aubergine/eggplant ….. ½
Beansprout ….. 100g
Shiso ….. 5pcs
Cucumber ….. ½
Shiitake mushroom ….. 5pcs
Broccoli Sprout….. 30g
Korean seaweed(salted)….. 5枚
Egg yolk ….. 1
Salt ….. (for sauté) a pinch for each type of vegetable
Pepper ….. (for sauté) a pinch for each type of vegetable
Rice oil ….. ½tsp for each type of vegetable
Sesame oil …..½tsp for each type of vegetable
Salt ….. (for salting cucumber)….. ½tsp
White toasted sesame ….. a pinch for each type of vegetable
pine seeds ….. 3-5pcs
Gochujang ….. 2tsp
Sesame oil ….. ½tsp x 2
Toasted white sesame ….. ½tsp x 2
Soy sauce/tamari ….. 2tsp
Shiso …..10 pcs or more
Shishito pepper ….. 5-10pcs
【作り方/How To】
1、Julienne all vegetable into 6cm long and 5mm thick.

2、Sauté each of bell peppers, zucchini, aubergine, shiitake mushroom and bean sprouts with salt, pepper and sesame in sesame oil and rice oil (the latter can be oil of your choice).

3、As for cucumber, salt and leave for 5 mins and squeeze out all of excess water and place it aside.

4、On a heated pan of low-medium fire, fry the egg white in a thin flat layer. Do the same for the egg yolk and cut into same size as the vegetables when cooled own.

5、Sushi rice, cook sticky rice and move to a big bowl. Add sesame, vinegar, salt and sugar accordingly and lightly scoop the bottom of the rice to move it to the top a several times as you fluff and mix (use your spoon as if you are cutting through the rice blobs) and make sure you don’t break the cooked rice so that they don’t sticky to each other too much. Let it cool.
6、When the rice is cooled, fill and line the vegetables to your magemono or the main dish to be served with.
In the center of the dish, place teared up salted Korean seaweed, egg yolk and pine seeds.

7、When serving the bibim chirashi, divide them into a bowl and mix with either gochujang or soy sauce. Gochujang and soy sauce should be mixed well with sesame oil and sesames (as in recipe part C) Also serve some vegetable such as stick begetables to dip into gochujang to enjoy (you can use any kind of raw vegetable for this and I used shishito here). Mixed bibim chirashi can also be wrapped with shiso to be enjoyed.
◎ポイント: 野菜を前日準備して冷蔵保存して翌日盛っても良いです。
◎ You can prepare the vegetables a day prior to serving (keep refridgerated) .

There is no real rule in this recipe when it comes to ingredients. Since it is a Korean bibim-bap based recipe, the recipe is put together of a combination that is more traditional ingredients but it can always be altered to whatever vegetables you are comfortable with as long as it is tossed with some sesame oil, salt and good old sesames. The sushi rice that the recipe calls for is a very light version of sushi rice so that the vinegar base taste doesn’t clash with sesame oil. And I present you this delicious bibim-bap in beautiful Japanese magemono wooden ware, a match to be remembered.

博多の筥崎八幡宮は、大分の宇佐八幡、京都の石清水八幡宮と並び日本三大八幡と呼ばれ、広く崇敬を集める大社です。 その西にある門前町のひとつ馬出で昔、応神天皇ご誕生の際、胞衣箱として奉納された故事から曲げ物作りが始まりました。やがて庶民にも親しまれ、江戸時代には貝原益軒の「筑前国続風土記」で紹介されるほどとなり、三百年の伝統を誇っています。 柴田徳五郎司は福岡市無形文化財の指定を受け、博多曲物の職人技として広く市民に親しまれ、愛され続けています。
Magemonos are traditional wooden containers that come in various sizes and shapes.
An impressive 18 generations have continued to make these since the Edo period for the past 300 years in Shibata family. The containers display beautiful vertical lines which are the growth rings of the cedar wood showing off their natural colors. Magemonos are smooth to touch and have pleasant but light cedar wood fragrance to them. They are delicately put together only using natural ways without any metal as they are only bound by cherry blossom tree strips to hold our sacred source of energy, our food. These magemonos were initially used in special ceremonies and on a special events but today we have the luxury to use them as bentos and containers to fulfill our delights.

・小物入れ 小
・通い盆 20cm
〒812-0054 福岡市東区馬出2-22-22
Online Store:https://cole-selection.online
International shipping is available.