Recipe developer:Pascale
Product provision:1616 / arita japan
Tricolor rice flour buchimgae (Korean pancakes)
ブチムゲ レシピ

2cm切りのニラ ….. 50g
細切り玉ねぎ ….. 25g
細切りピーマン ….. 20g
米粉 ….. 1大匙
片栗粉 ….. 1/2大匙
ニラ ….. 40g
乱切りの玉ねぎ ….. 40g
米粉 ….. 6大匙
片栗粉 ….. 1.5大匙
水 ….. 5大匙
塩 ….. 1/3小匙
乱切り人参 ….. 40g
乱切り南瓜 ….. 70g
細切り南瓜 ….. 70g
細切りピーマン ….. 30g
米粉 ….. 1大匙
片栗粉 ….. 1/2大匙
米粉 ….. 6大匙
片栗粉 ….. 1.5大匙
水 ….. 5大匙
塩 ….. 1/3小匙
細切りズッキーニ ….. 100g
細切り大葉 ….. 5g
細切り玉ねぎ ….. 30g
米粉 ….. 1大匙
片栗粉 ….. 1/2大匙
米粉 ….. 5大匙
片栗粉 ….. 1大匙
水 ….. 7.5大匙
味噌 ….. 1大匙
コチュジャン ….. 1大匙
[Green buchimgae]
Chopped Chinese chive …. 50g
Julienned onion ….. 25g
Julienned green pepper …. 20g
Rice flour …. 1Tbs
Potato starch …. 1/2Tbs
Chinese chive …. 40g
Roll cut onion …. 40g
Rice flour …. 6Tbs
Potato starch …. 1.5Tbs
Water …. 5Tbs
Salt …. 1/3tsp
[Yellow buchimgae]
Roll cut carrot ….. 40g
Roll cut kabocha pumpkin ….. 70g
Julienned pumpkin ….. 70g
Julienned green pepper ….. 30g
Rice flour ….. 1Tbs
Potato starch ….. 1/2Tbs
Rice flour ….. 6Tbs
Potato starch ….. 1.5Tbs
Water ….. 5Tbs
Salt ….. 1/3tsp
[Red buchimgae]
Julienned courgette/zucchini ….. 100g
Julienned shiso ….. 5g
Julienned onion ….. 30g
Rice flour ….. 1Tbs
Potato starch ….. 1/2Tbs
Rice flour ….. 5Tbs
Potato starch ….. 1Tbs
Water ….. 7.5Tbs
Miso ….. 1Tbs
Gochujang ….. 1Tbs
【作り方/How to】

1、First, the green buchimgae.
Toss all of the ingredient of (A-1) into a bowl to coat everything in potato starch and place aside.(This step makes everything stick well when pan frying) Then blend all of (A-2) ingredient in a blender.

2、Mix everything you prepared in 1. And add ingredients from (A-3) to it.
(add more water if too dry, it should have pancake like consistency)

3、Then, the yellow buchimgae.
Boil ingredient of (B-1) in a small pot and mash into a smooth paste. And toss all of the ingredients of (B-2) in a bowl.(This step makes everything stick well when pan frying)

4、 Mix all of mashed pumpkin mix(B-1), and potato starch coated ingredient of (B-2)with the rest of the ingredients thoroughly.

5、Red buchimgae is next.
Toss all of the ingredients of (C-1) to coat everything in potato starch and place aside. Mix ingredient (C-2) in a separate bowl and mix with bowl holding (C-1) ingredients.(add more water if too dry, it should have pancake like consistency)
If 1Tbs of gochujang is too spicy, add lessen the amount or substitute with liquid from kimchi jar. (you may have to adjust water amount and lessen it also)

6、In a generously oiled fry pan, Scoop out the buchimgae mixture with a ladle, pour it out on the pan. Make sure it is evenly spread. Cook the mixture on high heat initially for min then reduce the heat to medium to low till some bubbles appear.
Then turn over and cook through. Use square/rectangular fry pan if you have one, it will make cutting very easy and prettier.

7、Once the buchimgae has cooled some, cut them into smaller squares and line them up on your plate and you are ready to enjoy!

レシピと 1616 / arita japan について

1616 /arita japan さんのプレートを使ったレシピコラムシリーズの第2回目です。
時代と共に新しく生まれた有田ブランド 1616 /arita japan は技術はそのままにして、デザインを取り入れて有田であるコトの考え方を変えたブランドです。
デザイナーの依頼に応えられたのは職人さんの確かな腕とこの全てを見渡る経営者の理解も必要なこの状況を現実化した1616 /arita japan さんのお皿がますます好きになります。
そして、1616 / arita japanは海外での評価も得てます。
今回使ったお皿は柳原照弘さんの、TY RoundDeepPlate280 Gray φ280×H30mm です。
This is the second of my 1616 / arita japan recipe column recipes.
I hope you will enjoy this one too.
We’ve all heard about Aritayaki one time or another.
Aritayaki is known for its roots in the ancient ceramics town of Arita in Kyushu, Japan.
And there is this new brand in town that changed Aritayaki and how it is viewed.
1616 / arita japan, founded by Touen Momota (Momota-Touen Corporation).
The design team is lead by Teruhiro Yanagihara who have helped with completely new contemporary products come alive that can be used everyday, through extraordinary workmanship Arita is so famous of.
Named after its origins, 1616 / Arita Japan products are produced in the same factories as the original Arita pottery but take a completely different approach to design.
1616 / arita japan, is now also appreciated outside Japan and this happened by winning the tableware category in 2013, one of the most prestigious international decoration awards, the EDIDA.
Now that you have an idea of what 1616 / arita japan is all about.
Allow me to talk about this buchimgae, also known as Korean savoury pancake.
The ingredient looks like a forever going on list.
This is because this is a recipe for 3 different pancakes.
I got a little greedy and wanted to lay them in 3 colours, that’s why.
Feel free to choose any one, two or even all three if you’d like.
The green bumchimgae is the most popular kind. The yellow is slightly sweet from the kabocha pumpkin and tends to be children’s favourite. And lastly but not the least the red one is quite spicy and if you are not fan of spicy things you can always sub with chopped kimchi (with kimchi sauce).
And today, I am using Teruhiro Yanagihara’s TY RoundDeepPlate280 Gray φ280×H30mm.
There is no feet on this, total flatness and this happens to be a difficult thing to achieve as when the heat goes through them to harden the clay it could easily break the plates. But here they are beautiful as ever.

1616 / arita japan 株式会社 百田陶園
Tel: 0955-42-2519
Fax: 0955-43-3656